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Manually control the PullApprove status with overrides. The overrides are processed in order and the first match (if any) will determine the status on the pull request. Review requests, label changes, and notifications are not sent if an override matches a PR.

There are several situations where you may want to override the results of your groups:

  • Skip review for PRs to specific branches
  • Create "escape hatches" for hotfix PRs by using labels
  • Pausing review until CI tests are passing
version: 3
- if: "draft or 'WIP' in title"
  status: pending

- if: "base.ref != 'master'"
  status: success

- if: "'hotfix' in labels"
  status: success

- if: "'*test*' not in statuses.successful"
  status: failure
  explanation: "Tests must be passing before review starts"

Unlike the deprecated pullapprove_conditions, overrides are processed after the groups are evaluated, which means you can write expressions that consider the state of the groups themselves.

version: 3

- if: "len(groups.active) < 1"
  status: failure
  explanation: "At least one group must match this PR. A new group may need to be added to match this kind of PR."